Fix Your BS

Podcast Guest Form

First and foremost, thank you so much for your interest in being a guest on our weekly podcast. It's the people that bring extreme value to the program for our listeners.

Please take a moment to fill out the below agreement to request your spotlight.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly at (314) 948-4450.


*Rights & Policies

Violation of Rights/Policies: I warrant and represent that, to the best of my knowledge, nothing in my presentation violates any proprietary or personal rights of others (including, without limitation, any copyright or privacy rights), is factually accurate, and contains nothing libelous or otherwise unlawful.


Copyright: I warrant and represent that my presentation is my own original work, that I have the authority to enter into this agreement, and that I am the sole copyright holder or that I have obtained all necessary permissions or licenses from any persons or organizations whose material is included or used in my presentation.


Permission: I give my permission for Fix Your BS to: 1. Use my name and/or image in photos, video, internet transmission or other media; 2. Create and use teaser or promotional information from my presentation for publicity of webinar; 3. Record the webinar; 4. Broadcast the webinar on social media, including but not limited to Facebook Live, as well as add the webinar to Fix Your BS for future viewing; 5. Distribute the webinar and/or PowerPoint presentation to members and/or webinar registrants.


PII: I agree that if my presentation includes any personally identifiable data/information in any form (written, audio, visual, video, or other) that could cause a participant or a bystander to be identified, I will do one or both of the following: 1. Before submitting my presentation, I will obtain informed consent, in written or recorded form, from that person (or if a minor, their parent), to use that material for presentation during this conference and in any material distributed where that material appears. 2. Before submitting my presentation, I will "de-identify" (make anonymous) any personal data/information in any form (written, audio, visual, video, or other) that could potentially cause a participant or bystander to be identified. I understand that this may require eliminating, masking, blurring, pixelating, distorting, cropping, or modifying the data in other ways. *


I understand that Fix Your BS reserves the right to close webinar registration or cancel webinar if deemed necessary.

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At Fix Your BS, we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.

Fix Your BS | (314) 948-4450 | 680 Pleasant Lake Dr, Jackson, MO 63755

Fix Your BS. All rights reserved.